Every program has one to three test exercises, where the Strength athlete is conducting a test AMRAP set (as many reps as possible), in the first and last week of the program.
The test AMRAP set will automatically calculate the 1 repetition maximum (1 RM), which is the highest weight the Strength athlete is able to perform with only one repetition and maximum effort (zero reps to failure) in the test exercise.
The 1 RM results (kg) combined with body weight determines the Strength athlete’s level, ranging from Untrained to Elite level.
By comparing the pre- and post 1 RM test result, we can calculate the Strength athlete’s result or the percentage increase value in the test exercise.
All the percentage increase values are stored in the program’s Experience bank along with variables which affects performance such as test exercise, gender, level, body weight, age, height, waist to hip ratio and more. The percentage increase values displayed in the Experience bank are median values. The median (average) is the “middle” of a sorted list from smallest to largest of all the percentage increase values.
The Top 3 Results table displays which traits or variables and which Mirror athletes that achieved the best result after completing the program, for each level.
Your expected result table predicts the results the individual Strength athlete may achieve if he or she choose to start and complete the program, and properly manage his or hers fatigue and recovery abilities and facilitate for optimal output.